Book Dave to Speak - FIVE key topics tailorED to modern leaders


Growth Minded Leadership for uncertain times

Fostering resilience within ourselves and within the mindset of people we lead, during the greatest disruption in our modern history, is no small feat. The Growth Mindset is more powerful than ever as we seize on silver linings, recalibrate our human spirit, and sculpt new workforce environments.


Intentional Listening as a competitive advantage

How you communicate IS how you lead. Historically a decent majority of leaders had a compelling voice. Today that’s nowhere near the high-water mark. Great leaders wield the act of listening like a strategic business discipline and it shows in the energy they foster across the workforce.


Courageous Leadership, conflict, & Decision Making

Inspiring independent thinking, perspective-taking, personal autonomy, empathy, and conviction as we gather information and feedback to execute on a strategic vision.


Creative Problem Solving & the tricks of Improv comedy

Never let assumptions go unnamed or be disguised as safe conclusions. Teams that collaboratively build on each other’s ideas, rather than inadvertently stifle each other, become the heartbeat of a thriving organization.


Design-Thinking to foster Human-Connectivity Across the Organization

How to throw out convention and confirmation bias, and strategically redesign a resilient, agile, future-proof workforce environment.



"Dave is an amazing speaker and has such a thoughtful way interacting with the audience. He smoothly engages the whole audience and helps the them to learn (and listen) through his energy and style, and by delivering such a powerful concept - an actual practice for listening. I am in sales, and since his keynote, I have really checked in to HOW am I listening to my clients/customers and how I can adjust my habits to more fully hear them so I can truly be of value.”

Jon Jenkins - Real Estate Advisor with Atlas Real Estate

“In Dave’s talk he described the business practice of listening and the impact it has on the workplace. Dave broke down the essential ingredients to the practice and discipline of listening and Listening Intelligence. Through his mastery of the subject, passion for listening, and adept facilitation, we identified our unique listening habits and how our communication style can foster healthier organizations. I now have a greater awareness of my own listening habits, and how my listening style affects my personal and professional relationships as a result. Keep thriving, Dave!”

Kathryn D’Andrea - Ontological Coach and Business Strategist

"Dave blew my mind with the realization that people actually listen differently. It’s so simple, but so powerful. We don’t all think alike, and that’s the opportunity in fact. If I had known what I do now about the different styles of listening while at past companies, I feel that I actually could have changed the dynamic of the leadership teams I served on. All the frustration and misunderstandings could have been avoided if we only actually understood the different ways we heard each other and processed information."

Randall Hartman - Founder of Groundwork

"I recently attended Dave’s talk and experienced him sharing the power of listening intelligence, amongst an eclectic turnout of leaders. I appreciated Dave’s delivery and style, and how he described the various listening habits we all have and why listening is inherently challenging.

This had me asking myself throughout the event, ‘Is the way I’m habitually listening, helping or hindering me?” That question in of itself is a key take away! I’m thankful I attended and left more educated on a topic that can make or break any organization."

Scott Bain - Executive Creative Director