podcast interviews, writings, & news on leadership development & communication.

Dave on "Getting Work To Work"

Dave on "The Leader Assistant"

Dave on "The Johnny King Show"

Dave on "Finely Clicked"

Dave’s feature in Voyage Denver, “Meet Dave Momper of Thrival Concepts”

Dave with Annie Cronner, founder of The Whole Assistant, in her Resource Center Podcast

Dave’s CSAE article on Cognitive Diversity + Listening Intelligence, and his interview with Patricia Elias, Chief Legal & People Officer for Service Source in Denver, Colorado


Incorporating the three Thrival Concepts Leadership Development Pillars - Listening Science, Design Thinking. and The Growth Mindset - we equip modern leaders with the tools and concepts to transform into masterful communicators and leaders who inspire resilience, who improve team agility and efficacy, who evolve company culture, and who drive innovation and profitability throughout the organization.

Dave Momper’s Philosophy:

“Deep down, leadership is the ability to influence, inspire, and engage others, and to affect or make key decisions that add value to the world. Leadership is not always a matter of title, but rather a way of showing up in any giving moment. It’s a duty we can each take on, if we have the courage and discipline. Ultimately, our ability to lead and influence the world is fueled by self-awareness, empathy for others, resilience, and an ability to communicate effectively.

In my opinion, actively refining and developing communication skills is the greatest competitive opportunity in life and career. The ability to know oneself, the ability to connect deeply with others, the ability to navigate the uncertainty of any given day, and the ability to consistently take and compel bold action all affect one's ability to make a significant and positive impact on the other people we serve.

At Thrival Concepts we are committed to empowering the leaders of today to be masterful communicators who create and drive growth and culture in their organization and in the people they lead. That’s why our work is powered by extensive experience in the corporate and creative worlds, and our coaching and training is founded on three core methodologies that fuel innovative, mindful, and resilient leaders: Listening Science, Design Thinking, and The Growth Mindset.

Onward! - Dave Momper



The ECHO Listening Profile® is the first statistically validated cognitive-based listening assessment that enables organizations to quickly understand the listening filters and preferences individuals use to process and prioritize information. This unique assessment methodology helps identify an individual’s personal listening style or habit in the workplace. It measures how individuals listen to, filter, and interpret what they hear, and how that interpretation affects how they communicate with those around them.


Listening Science® reveals greater awareness and connection that begins when people understand how they themselves listen to and for certain information and therefore can, in turn, examine their own strengths and blind spots. Once individuals understand the unique listening style of others, they can adjust their messages to speak into other people’s listening preferences, enhancing connection, collaboration, and overall business performance.

Commonly used to: bring awareness to the cognitive information-processing habits individuals have in order to elevate the discipline of listening intentionally and to bring awareness to the cognitive diversity available across a team.


TTI Success Insights CERTIFIED- Disc BehaviorS12 Driving FORCES

The DISC BEHAVIORS methodology is a widely used behavioral assessment tool, measuring four behavioral styles: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance. DISC measures how a person behaves.

The most comprehensive DISC assessment in the market today, revealing insights into how members of staff, management and leadership are likely to respond in certain situations. DISC provides the ability to measure behaviors of the individual or the entire team.

Commonly used to: improve teamwork and understand communication styles.

The TTI 12 DRIVING FORCES (Motivators): 

The driver behind the behavior, 12 Driving Forces unlocks the why behind an individual’s actions. Rooted in Eduard Spranger’s esteemed research, 12 Driving Forces reveals how each person is uniquely motivated at work and in life.

Understand what motivates an individual or team members to take specific action.

Commonly used to: improve employee engagement, and determine job and culture fit.


“I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.”
- William Ernest Henley